About us

From 2012 to 2020 the Laboratoire d’Excellence BASC gathered fourteen laboratories within a multidisciplinary research project aiming at understanding and predicting the dynamics of socioecosystems in a context of global change, in particular climate change. One of the federative topics is the application of concepts and methods in agroecology to increase viability and adaptative capacity of agroecosystems and agricultural land. BASC works towards the design and implementation of innovative strategies for sustainable development, based on a strong potential for technical, technological and organisational innovations. BASC also aims at transfering knowledge to the general public, natural resources managers and policy makers. BASC also strives to develop graduate training and continuing education programs that will provide a broad vision of sustainability science, generate an understanding of the contribution of disciplinary research to interdisciplinary objectives and develop the skills to participate in successful interdisciplinary dialog.

In 2021, the LabEx BASC has given way to an enlarged project entitled C-BASC, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate, within the University of Paris-Saclay.

Key publications
