Associated Master courses / Doctoral schools

Associated Master courses / Doctoral schools

The LabEx BASC is closely linked to several Master courses, especially within the School BASE, as well as to four doctoral schools.

BASC researchers were heavily involved in the restructuring of Master's programs within Université paris-Saclay to create an interdisciplinary school BASE "Biodiversity, Agriculture and Food, Society and the Environment", which brings together life and social sciences and is cocoordinated by BASC researchers. The focus of this School is highly congruent with BASC research and educational objectives and it includes a common core of interdisciplinary classes for students in all programs.

BASC is most closely associated with three Master's programs:

  • "Agrosciences, Environnement, Territory, Landscape, Forest" (AETPF) – This Master trains scientists who will intervene in agricultural production, the environment, and landscape and territorial governance. The new Master's "parcours" CLUES (Climate, land use, ecosystem services) is one of the few Master's "parcours" entirely in English and its program is based on ideas emerging from BASC.
  • "Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution" (BEE) – This Master trains students to be capable to understand and solve problems concerning biodiversity based on a very good knowledge of the ecology, evolution and functioning of the living in interaction with its environment.
  • "Environnemental, Energy and Transport Economics” (EEET) – This Master structures training in environmental economics in the Paris region, and is the main Master on this topic in France.

All three of these Master's programs are co-coordinated by BASC researchers, many courses are taught by BASC scientists and these programs have provided numerous Master's students, interns, engineers and doctoral students for BASC projects. BASC is involved in and mobilises students from other Master's including the "Génétique, génomes et Evolution" (GEN2EV) major in the BMP School and the "Land Management and Community Development" (GTDL) major of the BASE School.

Associated Doctoral schools

Modification date: 08 November 2023 | Publication date: 09 November 2018 | By: BASC