BASC events


You will find in this section various events organised within the LabEx BASC.

> BASC Annual days

> Thematic seminars / workshops


Below are the most recent events organized as part of LabEx BASC. In 2021, the LabEx has given way to a broader project entitled C-BASC, within the Université Paris-Saclay.

In this section

The aim of the Living Lab is to implement agro-ecological, food and ecological transitions on a territorial scale with a wide range of stakeholders in the Sud-Ouest Francilien region. This workshop is part of a series of meetings in which we are building partnerships for the Living Lab.
Copyright UICN
This was the theme of the half-day event organized by the Agroecology Network on December 14, 2020
The videos of the projects, resulting from the scientific days, are available. The LabEx BASC organized between December 2020 and February 2021 4 videoconferences aiming to exchange on the results of its projects and to identify the major scientific questions that the consortium wishes to address in the future. These sessions were structured around the axes of the new project entitled C-BASC, pre-selected as an 'interdisciplinary object' by the University of Paris Saclay.

Modification date: 08 November 2023 | Publication date: 10 July 2013 | By: RLG