Network SolFIT - Soils: functions, impacts and territoires

This network brings together teams from the LabEx which take interest in soil in its various components, through biophysical, as much as soical and human sciences approaches.

Soil is a key compartment in the ecosystem functioning. It plays a role in flow regulation and as a reserve for biodiversity, and thus provides multiple ecosystem services, such as (i) climate change regulation through carbon and nitrogen storage and greenhouse gases emissions functions, (ii) biomass production in agroecosystems and natural ecosystems, (iii) recycling organic waste, and (iv) quantitative and qualitative regulation of water resources and air quality.

The SolFIT network's objective is to structure the BASC community working on soils to develop tools for analysing and assessing soil ecosystem services. Networking activities will lead to proposals to map services provided by soils at a territorial scale. Progress in this field are needed to ensure the preservation of soils and services it provides, as well as their optimisation. The project will also aim to create a place-based Observatory of Soil Ecosystem Services. The network will also develop training programs and cmmunication concerning soil and ecosystem services, building on other componants of the LabEx BASC.

Contact: Enrique BARRIUSO, Claire CHENU, Céline PELOSI (ECOSYS)

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