Material for research - socio-economic stakeholders interactions

Material for research - socio-economic stakeholders interactions

BASC researchers have developed diverse types of material to strengthen the link between their research and socio-economic stakeholders. These tools can have different purposes, such as decision support or dialogue, training / awareness raising, data provision or monitoring and forecasting trends useful to stakeholders... Some of them can be used directly by stakeholders; others will necessitate support or training.

Below are a few examples - you can find more information by clicking on each item

Decision support tools (directly available to stakeholders)

Tools for dialogue

Training / Awareness raising

Databases / Indicators

  • CoClick’Eau (support for the elaboration of action plans for water catchment areas)
  • Knowledge portal ePLANETe (ecological economics, environnemental education, sustainable development)
  • Strateau (water use)
  • KITSOL (soil analysis kit for living ecosystems)*
  • OptiMix Blé  (multi-criteria evaluation tool for soft wheat variety mixtures)
  • Foster Forest (participatory simulation for forestry adaptation to climate change)
  • KITSOL (soil analysis kit for living ecosystems)*
  • RPG Explorer (software facilitating the use of Graphic Land Register data)

* in development

Modification date: 09 November 2023 | Publication date: 22 December 2016 | By: BASC