Flagship projects 2016-2019

Flagship projects 2016-2019

Five Flagship projects have been selected for the LabEx's 2nd phase, from July 2016 to December 2019.

♦  Agroecology and policy instruments for sustainable multifunctional  agricultural landscapes (API-SMAL) - Project holders: Vincent MARTINET (Economie Publique) & Muriel TICHIT (SADAPT)

graphe 1 rapport dec 2020 APISMAL

♦  Assessing ecosystem services in transitioning agro-ecosystems (ASSETS) - Project holders: Benoît GABRIELLE & Patricia GARNIER (ECOSYS)

Les services rendus par les sols - ASSETS

♦  Innovation and design in sociotechnical systems (INDISS) - Project holders: Jean-Marc MEYNARD (SADAPT) & Marie-Hélène JEUFFROY (Agronomie)


♦  Integrative approaches of maize flowering time variations (Itemaize) - Project holders: Christine DILLMANN (GQE-Le Moulon), Bruno ANDRIEU (ECOSYS) & Arnaud LE ROUZIC (EGCE)

Illustration Itemaize sans texte

♦  Scenarios towards integrating multi-scale land-use tools (STIMUL) - Project holders: Jean-Christophe BUREAU & Raja CHAKIR (Economie Publique)

graphe STIMUL