LabEx training initiatives

LabEx training initiatives

LabEx BASC funds a range of training programs designed to enhance the skills of Master's students, PhD students, researchers and/or non-academic partners in areas covered by at least one of its three research areas.
Training courses financed by LabEx BASC :
Cover ECOTROP journée 2017 BASC

> Recurrent support for the ECOTROP-Arc d'Emeraude tropical ecology field schools in Gabon and "Man and Biodiversity" in Cameroon: These schools are aimed at African, but also European, students, to train a generation of managers and researchers aware of environmental management issues, as well as to consolidate a multidisciplinary research network in tropical Africa. Access the provisional presentation of their results at the 2017 BASC Days ECOTROP journée BASC 2017 ===>

> Symposium "Agroecology and ecological engineering", Groupe des acteurs de l'ingénierie écologique 2017 (Nathalie Frascaria, ESE)

> Conference "Population genomics of new and emerging fungal and Oomycete diseases of animals nd plants, Ascona, May 2017 (Tatiana Giraud, ESE)

> Symposium PPD 2017: generalist, multidisciplinary symposium on evolutionary biology and ecology (Adrienne Ressayre, GQE Le Moulon)

> Symposium Functional ecology 2017 (Christian Moulin, ECOSYS)

<=== Research School "Building an interdisciplinary collective in Agroecology within LabEx BASC: assets and prospects, 22-25 January 2018, Bergerie de Villarceaux

> Autumn School “Attacking societal challenges through different approaches in life sciences: a synthetic project building approach”, 5-9 Nov 2018, Paimpont: Organized jointly by the ABIES, SdV and SDSV doctoral schools, this school trains doctoral students and post-docs to respond to calls for tenders by formulating projects that mobilize different approaches to life sciences (Jacqui Shykoff, UMR ESE). ABIES, SdV et SDSV, cette école propose aux doctorants et post-docs de les former à répondre aux appels d’offres en formulant des projets qui mobilisent différentes approches en sciences du vivant (Jacqui Shykoff, UMR ESE)

> 13rd international symposium on Enchytraridae, 2018 (Céline Pelosi)

> Workshop Experimental approaches to testing coevolution, 2018 (Amandine Cornille, GQE Le Moulon), 2018 (Amandine Cornille, GQE Le Moulon)

Winter School « Measurement, analysis and integrated modelling of reactive gases and Aerosols exchanges between the biosphere and the atmosphere and their impacts on living organisms », 28 Jan. – 8 Feb. 2019, Paris (Raia Massad, Benjamin Loubet, UMR ECOSYS) ===>

> Seminar en 2019 on the practice of interdisciplinarity in conducting a PhD in environmental sciences (Timothée Fouqueray, Sarah Cogos, UMR ESE) en lien avec les sciences de l’environnement (Timothée Fouqueray, Sarah Cogos, UMR ESE)

>Stay at US Department of Agriculture, North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab as part of a thesis entitled "Introducing a diversification species into a region's cropping systems: articulating knowledge production and design in multi-stakeholder systems. Case of cameline in Oise" (Margot Leclère, Chantal Loyce, UMR Agronomie)

>Training day 2019 "Sharing research data: why, how", in collaboration with Information scientifique et technique INRAE, as part of the Ecotoxicologists Network supported by BASC (Christian Mougin, UMR Ecosys).

<=== Half day  in September 2019 on the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems (Nathalie de Noblet, UMR LCSE, in partnership with CLAND). The video and presentations are available. ===>

> The French-speaking days of urban agriculture, 2019 (Veronique Saint-Ges, SADAPT)

> 18th International Workshop on spatial econometrics and statistics, 2019 (Raja Chakir, ECOSYS)

> Exchange days on pesticide resistance - JER 2019 (Anne-Sophie Walker, BIOGER)

20 ans d'évaluation de systèmes de culture innovants

> 20 years of evaluating innovative cropping systems day, (C. Colnenne-David, Agronomie) ===>

> MicroSoil Research School 2019 (Philippe Baveye, ECOSYS): micro-scale soil analysis1

> Thematic school in 2019 "Variations in density and isotopic composition of tree rings (Valérie Daux, LSCE)

> Several master's internships. E.g. Fieldwork in Swedish Lapland in 2019: tackling the issue of fire management through an approach that combines art and science, as part of the thesis "How to restore the functioning of socio-ecological systems? Local and scientific knowledge on fire regimes in the boreal forest" (Sarah Cogos, Samuel Roturier, UMR ESE).

<=== Symposium What role will mixed farming and livestock play in Ile-de-France in the future? open to researchers and professionals alike, January 2020 (Philippe Lescoat, Alain Havet, SADAPT) demain en Ile de France? ouvert aux chercheurs comme aux professionnels, janvier 2020 (Philippe Lescoat, Alain Havet, SADAPT)



In the longer term, prospective actions include:

  •     Providing support for Master's students to acquire multidisciplinary skills outside predefined programs;
  •     Creating online courses, including MOOCs and e-learning;
  •     Strengthening connections with renowned international institutes to raise BASC's profile.


Modification date: 08 November 2023 | Publication date: 09 November 2018 | By: BASC, DM