Trans'Innov Seminar 3 Feb 2020

Systemic perspectives on scales in and scaling of science and innovation

Prof. Laurens Klerkx de Wageningen University, technology and Innovation Group will present his work on Monday 3rd February at 2pm at AgroParisTech au 16 rue Claude Bernard, 75005 Paris, Delage room

The need to achieve ‘impact at scale’ is frequently forwarded in debates on societally relevant science and innovation. Sometimes thinking on scaling is underpinned by rather simplistic notions of replicating or transferring a technology, design or practice that works in one place to other places, or making it grow in terms of production volume and number of users. In this talk, some recent conceptual angles and empirical work in which we look at scaling as a process of translation on many aspects will be presented.

The objective of the TRANS’INNOV seminar is to initiate the debate around agro-ecological, territorial, energy and food transitions and the role of new models of innovation in these processes. Seminars open to all and free, but registration with Armelle Mazé or Véronique Saint-Ges